From Mountain peaks to lowlands, or how I got into the Netherlands

My story is, not like Alice of wonderland who fell from high mountains and ended up in a hare’s hole, I woke up in the lowlands of my new homeland – the Netherlands.
I was born in 1965 in Tskhinvali (Ossetie). My small homeland is mountains (Caucasus), fresh air, water,flowers, herbs.  For us, this is common, like the habit of baking bread, milking goats and making homemade cheese. I still bake “signature”Ossetian pies with Ossetian cheese, potatoes and chard.

As a child I had many walks with my grandmother and sometimes with my father in the mountains. With my father it was mostly for search of wild mushrooms or hanting fish.
I see him standing in the river ( like a bear) and throwing trout to us at the riverside, my little sister and I had to collect them fast before they jumped back into the river.
My grandmother knew all the herbs and plants and taught me , how to make use of them, as medicine, for healthy food, for skin injuries and how to prepare them. I remember how we collected wild garlic and prepared homemade capers.

As often happens , unpleasant events force us to look for solutions. After my daughter married and moved to The Hague, her neurodermatitus worsened. Doctors described a hormonal therapy. We know such treatment can have very serious side-effects, so we declined to go further with that treatment.   What to do now ?
A voice inside me remembered me of all the lessons of my grandmother about how to use nature, plants and herbs to cure skin issues.

After a succesful treatment and being an active Cosmetoloog ( I have an studied Medicine, biology and dermatology) I decided to increase my knowledge of oitments for skin treatment. I did  research and many courses and workshops to succesfully combine my knowledge of nature with science.

All my developed oitment formulations are certified for the whole EU and beyond.

My oitments are not only designed for people with mild to severe skin problems  but certainly for everyone who wants to prevent future skin issues and at the same time feel good in a healthy,  radiant skin.

  • Ossetie bergen